Thanks to a newly funded COCA project on coastal pelagic species, there are three new jobs with FutureSeas team in the California Current. One is focused on ecosystem modeling, one on management strategy evaluations, and one on socio-economics. Applications due by September 1 for full consideration but all three will remain open until the position is filled.
Monthly Archives: July 2020
New paper by Megan Cimino modeling two krill species in the California Current.
Megan’s recent paper uses NOAA’s RREAS cruise data to look at combined krill biomass from net-tows and differences in habitat use between T. Spinifera and E. Pacifica in the California Current. The paper highlights the issues that arise when modeling a species complex rather than individual species habitat preferences. Getting species identification will help partition net tow data in addition to fisheries acoustic measurements of krill biomass moving forward. Krill also had broad scale response to oceanic warming from El Niño events Also not surprising, predictions of high krill biomass corresponded with top predator sightings as well.
New paper by Mike Jacox leading the MAPP team on the importance and skill of ecosystem forecasts
Forecasting aids in the management of marine resources and communities. New paper led by Mike Jacox reviews forecasting methods, mechanisms of predictability, and priority developments for coastal marine ecosystems.M.G. Jacox, M. Alexander, D. Barrie, S.J. Bograd, S. Brodie, A. Capotondi, K. Chen, W. Cheng, E. Di Lorenzo, C. Edwards, J. Fiechter, P. Fratantoni, R. Griffis, E.L. Hazen, A. Hermann, H. Kim, A. Kumar, Y. Kwon, M. Merrifield, A. Miller, I. Ortiz, D. Pirhalla, M. Pozo Buil, S. Ray, S. Sheridan, S. Siedlecki, A. Subramanian, P. Thompson, L. Thorne, D. Tommasi, M. Widlansky, 2020. Seasonal-to-interannual prediction of U.S. coastal marine ecosystems: Forecast methods, mechanisms of predictability, and priority developments. Progress in Oceanography. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102307.